About Me.

My journey towards wellness is deeply intertwined with my roles as a wife and mother to three boys. Their well-being is not only my priority but also the driving force behind my mission—to create an environment that fosters healing and vitality for my family. Motivated by the desire to provide them with the best possible start in life, I refuse to rely solely on handing out protocols. Instead, I aim for a deeper integration of knowledge and understanding, ensuring that my family and I are not merely subjected to a series of protocols, but rather empowered to embody lasting health and vitality.

With a degree in sociology, I've delved into the societal dynamics shaping health narratives, seeking to understand how we can create a culture of well-being. As a certified Functional Nutrition Practitioner and a certified Mineral Nutritional Balancing Practitioner, I've embraced a holistic approach, drawing inspiration from the principles of Dr. Paul Eck’s work on mineral balancing.

In the words of Dr. Paul Eck, "Minerals are the principal energy-producing components of the human body. It is the relationships between the minerals in your tissues that help determine your physical and emotional destiny. Through an understanding and control of these basic laws of human energy, you can vastly increase the intensity and quality of your life."

While my family is at the heart of my mission, I am driven by a broader vision. I aspire to extend this health freedom to other families and individuals, helping them unlock the transformative potential of holistic wellness. By sharing my experiences and insights, I aim to inspire and empower others to embark on their own journey of healing, guiding them towards a life filled with vitality, balance, and true well-being, so they can not only live fully but also serve their higher purpose.